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Or just click here to read the Humanure Handbook 4th edition for free (PDF).
Compost toilets can provide a sanitation solution when water or electricity are not available, or when you simply want to make more compost or less environmental pollution.
Chinese and full Spanish translations of the Humanure Handbook 4th edition are in progress!
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Chelsea Green Publishing.
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| Italian | Japanese | Kenya | Korean | Mongolian | Norwegian | Portuguese | Russian | Slovenian | Spanish | Vietnamese
The Humanure Handbook and The Compost Toilet Handbook
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Download the entire Finnish book free!
Email and thank Niklas Fred for a top-quality translation!
We don't have any African translations of the Humanure Handbook or the Instruction Manual,
but there are organizations in Africa doing humanure composting work. Humanure Kenya is one of them.
Read an article about Humanure Kenya!
The Humanure Handbook is available in Korean from Greenreview Publishing Co.,
202-13 Bomodong, Daegu, South Korea.(053)742-0663, 0666; Fax: (053)741-6168, Editor
Purchase The Humanure Handbook Korean Language Edition Online
Watch a Korean video clip about humanure:
The Humanure Handbook is available in Hebrew.
For More Information: contact Yaar Publications.
How to Build a Compost Toilet (Hebrew Language)
Read about our work in Mongolia.
Download the 2006 Feasibility Study
Download: Mongolian: "Humanure Compost Toilet System Instruction Manual"
We have a full Spanish language Humanure Handbook 4th edition in progress. Look for it in 2024!
Humanure Manual translated by Aristides Castillo:
Entire Humanure Handbook, 3rd edition translated into Spanish by Francisco Rubio Michaus.
Algo Está a Punto de Alcanzar el Ventilador….
“Los seres humanos estamos siguiendo un camino destinado a chocar con el mundo natural…. No nos quedan más que una o algunas décadas antes de perder la oportunidad de evitar las amenazas que hoy nos confrontan y que las oportunidades para la humanidad se reduzcan de forma desmesurada.”
1,600 Científicos Prestigiados, 18 de noviembre de 1992 – Advertencia de los Científicos del Mundo a la Humanidad. Existe una teoría perturbadora sobre la especie humana que ha empezado a tomar un grado alarmante de realidad. Parece que el comportamiento humano muestra un gran parecido con el comportamiento de los agentes patógenos u organismos causantes de enfermedades. Al ser observado desde el siguiente nivel cuántico de perspectiva, desde el cual la tierra se ve como un organismo y los seres humanos como microorganismos, los últimos aparentan ser una amenaza para el planeta. De hecho, la raza humana se asemeja bastante a una enfermedad – comprendida por organismos que se multiplican excesivamente, consumiendo sin conciencia y generando desperdicios sin darle mayor importancia a la salud y bienestar de su anfitrión – el Planeta Tierra. MAS
The Scoop About Poop (Spanish Version)
There is also an English Version of The Scoop About Poop
Read the entire Humanure Handbook in French!
Read the condensed humanure instruction manual in French!
French Language Video about Composting as a Sanitation Alternative:
Visit a Slovenian web site about humanure.
Look at humanure video clips with Slovenian subtitles.
Read the Humanure manual in the German language.
How to build a compost toilet (Cambodian Khmer language)
Read the entire Portuguese 3rd Edition of the Humanure Handbook.
This excellent translation was done by Cassio P. Octaviani.
How to build a humanure toilet (Vietnamese language).
Special thanks to Vo thi trinh Tien.
Translation of Humanure Manual into the Hungarian Language
Special thanks to Norbert Stiglicz
Entire 4th edition of the Humanure Handbook in Dutch, thanks to Harry Wagenaar!
Condensed Humanure Manual translated into the Dutch language: